Monday, March 1, 2010


Dear readers (whoever you are),
You know the movie Julie & Julia? Well, I feel like Julie Powell, a person not thinking she has any readers. I feel like I'm writing a diary that is displayed to the whole world, yet that world is unresponsive.
Hopefully, some miracle will come along, and maybe Earth will read this amateur blog and think, "Well, isn't this something?"
The thing is, I don't even think it is something. Just an ordinary high school freshman writing about her ordinary life, setting her ordinary goals. But she hopes that her readers aren't ordinary, but interested. Hope: one of the things that keeps her standing on her feet. Sometimes that hope lets her down, and she loses her balance, but other times, it makes her grow, it makes her taller, it makes her life brighter.
Well, looks like a messy room is calling. Did I mention she's telepathic with inanimate objects? Okay, that was a joke....hello? Anybody there?

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