Saturday, January 9, 2010


Well, the year of 2010 has started pretty smoothly for me, so far. I am excited to be a participant of many exciting events this year. I will be in my school play: 2 one-act comedies of Everything I Need To Know I Learned By Being In A Bad Play and Paper or Plastic. Also, I am expecting to host a German student for 2 weeks in March for a German Exchange Program between my school and one in Germany. I will also be traveling there in June for 3 weeks and will live in a traditional German family. About a week after I come back from Germany, I will be going to Russia to visit all of my dear friends and family members. But I almost forgot a very important thing: I will be finishing my freshman year of highschool on the 4th of June, 2010, so college has become only 4 years away. But enough about me, what will you be doing in the New Year?
P.S. Isn't it kinda weird writing 1/9/10? Hip, Hip, Hooray to the first double-digit year!

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